Tuesday, September 22, 2015



Logical mind map for brain

Logical mind map World wide web



To define information system ,we will start by examining what a system is . A system is a set of elements or components that interact to accomplish certain goals. An information on the other hand is a collection of data that are more valuable that raw data.
Information its self has a value and Commerce often involves the exchange of information rather than tangible goods. System based on computers are increasingly been used to create ,store and transfer information. using business information system,inventions make multi-million dollar decision,financial institutions transfer billion of dollars around the world electronically, they order, manufacture and distribute goods faster than ever before.

An information system is the information and communication technology (ICT) that an organisation uses,and also the way in people interact with this technology in support of business processes.
For instance many people and organisation use information everyday ,organisations like retail chains collect data from their shops to help them stock what customers want and to reduce cost. Information system usually involve computers and together they are constantly changing the way organizations conduct business.

By now its almost a cliché to take note of the World Wide Wed (WWW) potential as a business resource. Many organizations have devoted much attention to the vast consumer market accessible via the internet. For example ,research has shown that the total USA 1998 economic activities surrounding the internet, including computer hardware purchases,wed authoring  services,commerce  and so forth was estimated at more than 300 billion dollars in sales and 1.2 million jobs provided, and the statistics doesn't even address the non-commerce efficiency and savings that the internet based technologies bestowed on business in areas such as supply chain management.

A transaction is any business related exchange such as payment employees ,sales to customers or payment to suppliers. thus, processing business transactions was the 1st computer application developed for most organisations. A transaction processing system is an organised collection of people,software,procedure ,databases and devices used to record completed business transactions. This helps organization perform and integrate important task such as paying employees and suppliers,controlling inventory ,sending out invoices and ordering suppliers  

In conclusion information system is important for any organisation to grow.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


 I present 2 items, One is a picture of my smiling face and one is a picture of  Christmas tree which  says a lot.
 Find below the objects :
Object 1                                                   Object 2

Object 1 is my smiling face which shows i'm a happy person,always happy all the time
Object 2 is the Happy Christmas Tree
Juxtaposition : I'm happy,i'm a happy person,i'm always happy ,its happy Christmas ,we are all happy because we are celebrating Christmas.
I have been able to place the two objects close to each other with a contrasting effect with the use of my happy face image and the happy Christmas tree to create a juxtaposition.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Associated Mind Map

Associated mind map is used to generate ideas that are related to a specific topic that is found in the same content as previous posts.

Logical Focus Mind Map

To create a logical focus mind map,pick an ideal from the logic mind map and spread it in branches for a clearer understanding. This helps in saving time and enhances more creativity. I have chosen Activities which is part of my vacation mind map from my previous post.

Logical Mind Map

when a topic is chosen ,the other branches you make will lead away from the main point .The purpose is to get unique things out of the topic. Hence improving more on a particular idea.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Viewing ,managing documents ,Painting and drawing with color in Photoshop

In this lesson we looked at viewing and managing documents in Photoshop as well as painting and drawing with colors in Photoshop

we learn how to convert images to different colors modes using the Photoshop application and colors that the eyes can see which is called VISIBLE SPECTRUM  and we touched the ranges of colors that can be produced by a process or device which is called Gamut.

We didn't stop there we went ahead to talk about things that will help us well in Photoshop like :
1: RGB
2: Additive
3: Subtractive
4: Gray scale/Bitmap
5: Index color

Furthermore we did a little drawing showing and using most photshop tools so far learnt name is drawing below is called the 'Three musketeers'

Using Photoshop can be so fascinating ,here is a drawing made with the help of advance Photoshop,different tools were used,right pixel was used for on-screen purpose many more .

Friday, March 13, 2015

Multimedia Authoring review: Photoshop 1 update

During my first lesson/class i have been able to learn new things about Photoshop program and its features which includes Photoshop image formats,resolutions and it changes which depends on Photoshop formats.

I also learn and understood different file formats with different layers,different tools in toolbox and how to use them,i also learn how to design a simple drawing using Photoshop.

During this usages i made use of different tools,set layers,checked out resolution and how it affects output in Photoshop and a lot more.

Note: more illustration will come soon with pictorial evidence.

 Continuation from last lesson on Photoshop its tools and application 

We were able to deal on how to understand different Photoshop interfaces of which we have these various:
1: Tool box
2: Palette
3: Main menu

We also went further and learn a lot about Pixel.
Pixel is the smallest controllable element of a picture represented on the screen and also each pixel is made-up of 3 sub pixels.

Image resolution
The application of image resolution cant be over emphasized ,we looked out resolutions for various purposes like when you want to print out an image a resolution of 300 per/inch is applied
for screen use a resolution of 72 pixel per/inch is applied.

Difference between image on-screen and print size

On-screen images depends on the number of pixel while
Print size depends on also the number of pixel but with print resolution